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xUSD Token

XUSD Price
Price range last 24 hours
Rank #10000
Binance Smart Chain Ecosystem
Market Cap
24 Hour Trading Vol
Circulating Supply
0 / 0
Total / Max Supply
xUSD Token to USD Price Chart

xUSD Token Price Today

Price XUSD to USD now is $1.27. Trading volume by 24-hours $1.195. xUSD Token, which_ranked #10000 price is down -11.79% in the past 24-hours. xUSD Token has circulating supply of $0 and have $0 capitalization.

Highest price for xUSD Token

The all-time high price of XUSD is $1.55, the record was set on the 0.

Lowest price for xUSD Token

XUSD all-time low price is $0.953, the record was set on 0.

How much has the price of xUSD Token changed lately?

7 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the XUSD price by 0.37498%

14 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the XUSD price by 0.2963%

30 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the XUSD price by 1.85081%

60 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the XUSD price by 0.78704%

1 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the XUSD price by 0%

What is xUSD Token

xUSD is an appreciating stable coin that is liquidity backed over 100 percent by BUSD. It's internal market maker ensures that every transaction (buys, sells & transfers) raise the value of xUSD relative to BUSD. The pricing algorithm shifts the supply ratio between the underlying asset and the total supply of xUSD, thereby allowing for every transaction to raise the value of the token. Price is calculated as a ratio between Total Supply and underlying asset quantity in Contract. By design, xUSD's total supply is a variable that can never be less than 1 and is determined by buy versus sell pressure. There is no maximum total supply. xUSD provides utility as an intermediary asset to hedge against risk and trade in preference between assets in the XSurge Ecosystem. As a standalone asset, it works the same way as other variants of this ecosystem with substantially low fees for trading. 0.75% buy fee 0.25% sell fee 0.25% transfer fee In addition, the Token incorporates a Staking contract for yield farming. Staking liquidity yields xUSD rewards for stakers from allocated tax through transaction volume. Due to its function as a arbitrage trader token, staking is highly incentivized to gain Passive xUSD Dividends as you hold for long term profit. The more xUSD staked in different trading pools, the more Arbitrage (TX Volume) it will gain. xUSD is available for trading on PancakeSwap as an xUSD/BNB Pairing or by buying through the SwapPair liquidity contract on which it resides as an xUSD/BUSD pairing. More information on SwapPair liquidity contracts can be found on the XSurge Webpage.