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WETH Price
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Rank #10000
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WETH to USD Price Chart

WETH Price Today

Price WETH to USD now is $1.401.3. Trading volume by 24-hours $758.037,301. WETH, which_ranked #10000 price is up 4.72% in the past 24-hours. WETH has circulating supply of $0 and have $0 capitalization.

Highest price for WETH

The all-time high price of WETH is $4.863.7, the record was set on the 0.

Lowest price for WETH

WETH all-time low price is $0, the record was set on 0.

How much has the price of WETH changed lately?

7 days ago the price was $1.415 , this changed the WETH price by 0.98758%

14 days ago the price was $1.549 , this changed the WETH price by 10.52772%

30 days ago the price was $1.936 , this changed the WETH price by 38.18643%

60 days ago the price was $1.483 , this changed the WETH price by -5.84142%

1 days ago the price was $1.972 , this changed the WETH price by -40.69818%

What is WETH

W-ETH is "wrapped ETH" but let's start by introducing the players. First, there's Ether token. Ether or ETH is the native currency built on the Ethereum blockchain. Second, there are alt tokens. When a dApp (decentralized app) is built off of the Ethereum Blockchain it usually implements it’s own form of Token. Think Augur’s REP Token, or Bancor's BNT Token. Finally the ERC-20 standard. ERC20 is a standard developed after the release of ETH that defines how tokens are transferred and how to keep a consistent record of those transfers among tokens in the Ethereum Network.