Price SD to USD now is $0.714. Trading volume by 24-hours $953.412. Stader, which_ranked #226 price is down -2.24% in the past 24-hours. Stader has circulating supply of $0 and have $106.343,574 capitalization. In additional, total supply is $149.538,546.
The all-time high price of SD is $30.17, the record was set on the 0.
SD all-time low price is $0.237, the record was set on 0.
7 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the SD price by 6.89307%
14 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the SD price by -7.61794%
30 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the SD price by -0.04902%
60 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the SD price by -59.73547%
1 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the SD price by 0%
Stader offers the most convenient & safest way to maximize your returns on staking.