Polly Finance
Price POLLY to USD now is $0. Trading volume by 24-hours $39. Polly Finance, which_ranked #10000 price is up 3.39% in the past 24-hours. Polly Finance has circulating supply of $0 and have $0 capitalization.
The all-time high price of POLLY is $0.023, the record was set on the 0.
POLLY all-time low price is $0, the record was set on 0.
7 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the POLLY price by 10.68637%
14 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the POLLY price by 0.32774%
30 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the POLLY price by 4.96628%
60 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the POLLY price by -17.22267%
1 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the POLLY price by 0%
Polly Finance is a completely community-driven platform where users can create and manage diverse baskets of tokens on Polygon, called nests. Nests have autonomous rebalancing and yield farming in a variety of protocols. POLLY is the governance token for the Polly Finance platform. Holders can use their tokens to vote on proposals to further the ecosystem, including the composition of nests, strategies they will follow and the future direction of the project. POLLY can be earned by participating in the yield farming program, which distributes tokens to users of the platform. In order to create a Nest, you have to burn an amount of Polly. As the burning process is complex, the recipe for nDEFI will automatically buy and burn the right amount for you during the creation process. The amount of Polly to be burned is currently tied to the volume demand of your issuance order, but governance may vote to change this model.