Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin Subsidium
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Bitcoin Subsidium

XBTX Price
Price range last 24 hours
Rank #3594
Market Cap
24 Hour Trading Vol
Circulating Supply
8.924,385 / 0
Total / Max Supply
Bitcoin Subsidium to USD Price Chart

Bitcoin Subsidium Price Today

Price XBTX to USD now is $0.002. Trading volume by 24-hours $42. Bitcoin Subsidium, which_ranked #3594 price is up 8.76% in the past 24-hours. Bitcoin Subsidium has circulating supply of $0 and have $18.792 capitalization. In additional, total supply is $8.924,385.

Highest price for Bitcoin Subsidium

The all-time high price of XBTX is $1.047, the record was set on the 0.

Lowest price for Bitcoin Subsidium

XBTX all-time low price is $0.001, the record was set on 0.

How much has the price of Bitcoin Subsidium changed lately?

7 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the XBTX price by 13.77065%

14 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the XBTX price by 16.96945%

30 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the XBTX price by -6.56735%

60 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the XBTX price by -27.73872%

1 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the XBTX price by -83.28391%

What is Bitcoin Subsidium

BitcoinSubsidium (XBTX) is a complementary coin to TELOS and also part of the Transcendence Blockchain OpenSource project. Unlike TELOS which uses POS and Masternodes, XBTX uses POW and ASIC-resistant. Its effective to be mined only using CPU power.