Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin Confidential
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Bitcoin Confidential

BC Price
Price range last 24 hours
Rank #2938
Privacy Coins
Market Cap
24 Hour Trading Vol
Circulating Supply
9.600,000,000 / 0
Total / Max Supply
Bitcoin Confidential to USD Price Chart

Bitcoin Confidential Price Today

Price BC to USD now is $0. Trading volume by 24-hours $231. Bitcoin Confidential, which_ranked #2938 price is up 150.72% in the past 24-hours. Bitcoin Confidential has circulating supply of $0 and have $139.423 capitalization. In additional, total supply is $9.600,000,000.

Highest price for Bitcoin Confidential

The all-time high price of BC is $0.004, the record was set on the 0.

Lowest price for Bitcoin Confidential

BC all-time low price is $0, the record was set on 0.

How much has the price of Bitcoin Confidential changed lately?

7 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the BC price by 63.44138%

14 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the BC price by 74.25981%

30 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the BC price by -5.89941%

60 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the BC price by 93.57139%

1 days ago the price was $0 , this changed the BC price by -89.46382%

What is Bitcoin Confidential

Bitcoin Confidential is a new coin focused on confidentiality/privacy that will be Proof of Stake, using Ring Confidential Signatures and based on the latest Bitcoin codebase for compatibility.