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Price range last 24 hours
Rank #514
Polygon Ecosystem
EUR Stablecoin
Market Cap
24 Hour Trading Vol
Circulating Supply
26.926,332 / 0
Total / Max Supply
agEUR to USD Price Chart

agEUR Price Today

Price AGEUR to USD now is $1.075. Trading volume by 24-hours $1.972,328. agEUR, which_ranked #514 price is up 0.41% in the past 24-hours. agEUR has circulating supply of $0 and have $28.917,734 capitalization. In additional, total supply is $26.926,332.

Highest price for agEUR

The all-time high price of AGEUR is $1.2, the record was set on the 0.

Lowest price for agEUR

AGEUR all-time low price is $0.896, the record was set on 0.

How much has the price of agEUR changed lately?

7 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the AGEUR price by 1.78737%

14 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the AGEUR price by 0.20059%

30 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the AGEUR price by -2.51221%

60 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the AGEUR price by -3.32763%

1 days ago the price was $1 , this changed the AGEUR price by 0%

What is agEUR

agEUR is a stablecoin of the Angle Protocol which value is pegged to the Euro. This stablecoin is backed by derivatives and by the insurance fund of the Angle Protocol. It is fully convertible against collateral held in the protocol. To know the value of 1 Euro, the protocol looks at oracle feeds from Uniswap V3 and Chainlink.